Thursday, March 24, 2011

a milestone

Now that Averi is in bed... this was her first day since birth that she didn't nurse.
I didn't feel really emotional at all about not nursing her this morning and I don't think she cared a bit but now that I write about it I feel sentimental all of a sudden. Time does go quickly and even though at times it would have been nice if Peter had had the "equipment" to go feed Averi (who after 3-4mo.(?) of age wouldn't take a bottle) I am now especially thankful for the time that God made me her "special provider".


Bethany said...

She's not a baby anymore!! ::sniff, sniff::
A special era is over. Just in time for the new baby to arrive! :-)

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

Time does just race by and each tiny season is so brief... I felt the same way with each of mine.

Sophia Totra said...

Awww, sad day. :( your new little bundle of nursing-ness with be here soon! :) good to read your reflections, Jenners!